Local Information and News
Local Clubs
Boca Raton Bicycle Club

BRBC is a volunteer, non-profit club, with over 300 members. BRBC organizes social events and bicycle rides for all levels and abilities. Rides are held every day of the week throughout the year.
Florida Bicycle Association

The Florida Bicycle Association seeks to inspire and support people and communities to enjoy greater freedom and well-being through bicycling. They envision a state where people of all ages see bicycling as an enjoyable, practical and safe activity and transportation option, and where all who lawfully use the roadways, motorists and bicyclists alike, respect and appreciate each other's use.
Florida Greeways and Trails

The Office of Greenways & Trails (OGT), within the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP), Division of Recreation & Parks, provides statewide leadership and coordination to establish, expand and promote Florida's Statewide System of Greenways and Trails.